Day 19 - 21 - Turning Around and Heading "East Bound!" via Palm Springs and Tuscon

"We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there. I'm east bound - just watch Ole' Bandit run!" After Santa Monica, we decided it was time to turn back east. We wanted to keep our trip to four weeks or less, which left us a little over a week to get home. This part of the trip was much less planned than the first half. We knew we wanted to get to Tucson to visit Joe and Amber, but we didn't have a plan on how we wanted to get there or how we wanted to get home from there. For now, we decided Palm Springs seemed like a worthwhile half-way point, and we weren't disappointed! Palm Springs was much quieter than Santa Monica, felt much safer, the accommodations were MUCH nicer, and to be honest...we had both been waiting for our chance to sing "East Bound and Down!" from Smokey and the Bandit. We had to keep skipping it on our playlist until now! We decided to walk to dinner despite the extreme heat....